ApeBoard is a multi-channel DeFi dashboard - similar to Zerion, Zapper, DeBank - where you can monitor your wallet balances or those of others across DeFi protocols.
This site could be likened to a DeFi wallet scanner. That is, you will be able to scan the contents of any address of the compatible blockchains. It is currently possible to connect six blockchains, respectively:
Binance Smart Chain
Still in Beta version, this dashboard is already very complete. No less than a hundred decentralized protocols are supported and thus precisely analyzed by the pokedex. List of protocols available here.
Dashboard 📊
On the site, you can create a personal space with several portfolios, or simply come and fill in an address in the search bar. You will find a graph with the distribution of assets in the portfolio on all protocols within the different blockchains.

Note that you can analyze any wallet as long as you have the public address.
In the lower part of the site, you will find the different tokens of your wallet in order of volume from the largest to the smallest.

Searching for the best returns 🥇
The "APE Search" feature allows you to easily search for the best returns in liquidity pools. Instead of spending hours comparing all the sites between APY and APR. Go to the APE Search page and simply type in the cryptocurrency you are looking for a liquidity pool on. With the search preference, you can choose a single asset or a pair.

Settings ⚙️

In the settings section, set the site theme to dark mode or disable visual effects to improve site performance. You can change the default currency for better readability if you are not used to dollars.
History 🔍
A new feature that I think is very nice is the arrival of the history! You can now see all the transactions that have been made on a portfolio. To do so, just click on the "History" button in the middle of the window.

You will also see the equivalent of your Gas consumption during your transfers, which is the equivalent of what you have "lost" in transaction fees since the beginning.
Bonus Binance 🎁
You can connect your Binance account to APE Board directly with the Binance API key. To do so, you must have an account on APE Board, create your Dashboard, then go to Binance in the "API Management" section on your personal space. Once the key is created enter it on your Dashboard, then confirm the link.

Conclusion 🥇
It's a real pleasure to use APE Board on a daily basis, I can easily check that my fund transfers have gone through, or just go check the asset allocation of an address on the blockchain. I would say that APE Board's scanner is very efficient for tokens on the Binance Smart Chain. These tokens are visible very quickly even if the token was created a few hours before. However, some decentralized finance services, especially on the Polygon blockchain, are still poorly referenced. New protocols are added every day, so the APE Board service is very serious.