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  "La DeFi" 

We will see on this page how to use the Cronos blockchain and its DeFi part.

It is important to understand the difference between investing on a centralized exchange platform (CEX), and direct investing on a blockchain.
Présentation Cronos

Presentation of the Cronos network is a cryptocurrency exchange platform. The Crypto Coin (CRO) is the native token of the Crypto.Com Chain called Cronos, a decentralized and open source blockchain developed by the payment, trading and financial services company Chain is one of the series of solutions created by to accelerate the adoption of cryptocurrencies. By protecting the identity of users and giving them back the power over their money. The CRO token serves primarily as a vehicle to power the Pay mobile payment application.

The CRO went live in November-December 2018 and wants to extend the reach of the Cronos blockchain to feed its other products.

CRO owners can stack (staking) their tokens on the Cronos to act as validators to obtain rewards in processing network transactions. Additionally, CRO tokens can be used to pay transaction fees on the Chain.

The fees are very advantageous and the speed of execution of transactions is astounding.

1) The Wallet

1) Le Wallet

How to access Cronos services?

Using a 3.0 wallet with Cronos

Before you can use the Cronos blockchain, you will need to have a web 3.0 wallet. You can use a wallet like MataMask, Trust Wallet etc. MetaMask is very practical and the app has just celebrated its 5 million users.

MetaMask allows you to store tokens on blockchains.


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If handling seems complicated to you, you can invest
on Celo more easily from Coinbase or Binance.
2) Le Dépôt

2) The Deposit

How to deposit funds on Cronos?

Dépôt CEX

Deposit from a Centralized Exchange (CEX)

On centralized exchanges like , the button to move funds to another network address is often indicated by "Withdraw" or "Withdraw".

Once this button is found, click and double-check the information for the future withdrawal. If the information is correct, validate the transaction and in a few minutes the funds will be in your 3.0 wallet.

⚠️Be careful, however, any address error could result in the loss of funds.

⚠️Some exchanges charge high fees when withdrawing and exiting assets from your account to an external wallet.  

✅ and Coinbase allow free withdrawal to the Cronos blockchain.

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The operations performed below are on the Blockchain. You will need to have
governance token, to use it as Gas and carry out transactions.
Bridge CrossChain

Bridging funds from another blockchain to Cronos

What is a Bridge Crosschain?

The Bridge allows funds to be transferred from one Blockchain to another. For example if you have USDC on Binance Smart Smart , you can send your funds in USDC to the Cronos blockchain. This operation will generally waste you a few tens of seconds.

The principle is based on liquidity pools that guarantee the currency on each side of the network.

I recommend the E vo-defi bridge allowing the movement of funds on blockchains (ETH, BSC, Polygon, Phantom, HECO, HSC) for 0.5% fee. One of the cheapest in the industry and one of the only ones currently available on Cronos.

Bridge Cronos.png
3) Le DEX

3) The DEX

The biggest decentralized exchanges of Cronos

Swap from a Decentralized Exchange (DEX)

Sooner or later you will have to use a cryptocurrency swap service, it will be the best alternative to exchange your funds with another currency, almost  no transaction fees. The biggest swap service on Cronos is VVS Finance, followed by CronaSwap. Initially, it is an AMM, a protocol allowing users to deposit crypto into liquidity pools and be paid for it.

Capture d’écran 2021-11-27 à 02.23.45.png

VVS Finance



Cronos Scan Explorer

Use the explorer to verify transactions

The Cronos Scan Explorer is

Like any blockchain, all transactions are visible on the explorer. Go to the site with your transaction ID to check its status, you can also check your funds or the number of holders on a contract. Enter what you are looking for in the search bar to get results.

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