Install a Helium Network enabled box in your home to start earning cryptocurrencies! Get paid in HNT to ensure the stability of the Helium Network and the delivery of internet to IOT objects in your city.

Presentation of Helium Network 📜
The IoT (Internet Of Things), which represents the mass of connected objects in our daily lives, is by definition a decentralized network of devices. It has become clear that security and connectivity, as designed in closed computing environments, do not work very well for the IoT, especially for consumer applications. Over the past few years, many in this field and in network security have been looking at how the intrinsic design of blockchain could marry with consumer and business needs for more efficient and natural interoperability.
For several years, Helium deployed LPWAN connectivity publicly. This network was first deployed in the U.S. and then around the world by selling hotspot devices deployed directly by consumers. This allows nearby IoT devices to connect to the network. The company claims that just 100 devices would be enough to cover most cities.

The company began selling its IoT hotspots in 2019, and since its launch, more than 352,747 of these devices have been put into use across 75 countries and 5,000 cities worldwide. As of November 27, 2021, that number was up by 90,263 hotspots over the past 30 days.
One of the secrets to their success has been that while the devices create publicly accessible IoT connectivity networks, individual consumers can use them to mine a custom blockchain-backed cryptocurrency called Helium Network Tokens (HNT), which can then be resold in dollars for owners.
The company's next phase will be to deploy a 5G CBRS gateway that will allow consumers to augment and support their own 5G mobile coverage while enhancing the public network and mining HNTs. Helium said in April that it is "in discussions with a leading U.S. operator" to enable customers to set up 5G hotspots with Helium.
Helium network organization with proof of coverage. 🕸
Sure, this is all interesting, but what does this fusion of IoT, public networking and blockchain mean for security across the industry?
The answer lies in the fundamental limitations of computing itself. Blockchain works through what is known as PoW (Proof Of Work), which utilizes the fact that any single computing device (i.e., a CPU, in this case the miner) can only solve one operation at a time to be as fast as possible on each computation. Therefore, each cryptocurrency miner can only work for one identity at a time, so that each "coin" is traceable to a single unforgeable identity. This identity verification is relevant to the IoT. Nevertheless, to make it even more usable and responsive to the identity of the radio network, Helium has also based its proof of identity on the location of the gateway. Each of its gateways can claim only one unique location, this is the PoC (proof of coverage).

Once the transactions are verified and the identity proves trustworthy, the user and the network are operational. Helium has designed a blockchain around a self-verifying network of gateways that provides message provenance, microtransactions and open access to all.
With these details, one can easily imagine all the uses for which the Helium network will be solicited. Smart Cities are more and more connected, for example for; drone delivery, real time transportation schedules, vehicle geolocation, parking availability, gas meter reading, flood sensor, forest fire, autumn tractor etc. etc.
Remuneration offered by the Helium Network protocol

Compensation on the Helium network will greatly depend on your geographical location. A device located in a city will multiply its chances of interactions with objects having network needs. While a device located in the countryside will have fewer interactions, and therefore a much lower remuneration.

In the first case, an isolated minor in the Montauban countryside. Over the last 30 days, the minor has not validated many interactions and earns $7.

Ici, un mineur en pleine ville de Montauban. Sur les 30 derniers jours le mineur à généré 430$ soit 10HNT.
In both cases, it is a Bobcat miner, so they have the same configuration.
The important thing to remember is that even if you are isolated, you will be paid a few dollars a month.
On the other hand, if you live in the city, it's a jackpot. Indeed, more than 400$ in automatic every month.
It is thus 90% of monthly profitability for this miner of Montauban. Each month, he repays 90% of his initial investment. From then on, he can choose to accumulate his HNT, resell them for € or $, and even choose to buy a new miner each month to increase his network coverage.
It is easy to understand why Helium miners are very often out of stock.
Compatible and available Helium machines.
The essential Bobcat Miner 300

Available for $580 or €513 with shipping and handling. Shipping is within 3.5 months. Payment in USDC on the ERC-20 network.
The new Linxdot Hotspot

Available for £387.03 or 456€ with shipping and exchange. Shipping is within 4 months. Payment by credit card or cryptocurrency on the ERC-20 network
🎁Discount with code SAVEMEMONEY
⚠️ Attention: make sure to choose the European network (if you are in Europe) when ordering so that your minor can connect to the right network: Europe EU868 Mhz
Is this the future of low-power connectivity for consumer and industrial IoT use cases? I can't say for sure, but it's the most promising and forward-thinking solution. In any case, Helium is very popular with users, as evidenced by the 3000% growth rate of the HNT price over the year. Moreover, no competitor seems to want to challenge Helium Network in this sector.